20 mei 2015
13 mei 2015
13 mei 2015
8 mei 2015
6 mei 2015
mv Nordana Sky - Houston
Discharging operations, using the lifting beam, at Houston (USA).
29 apr 2015
mv Nordana Star - Building Progress
The aft ship of the Nordana Sky is assembled and will be shifted to the slipway in two weeks time.
22 apr 2015
mv Nordana Sea - Building Progress
The construction of fore ship sections in Leer continues. The superstructure, fore peak section and hold section 6 will be transported...
22 apr 2015
mv Nordana Star - Building Progress
The upper tween deck section of the aft ship will be placed this week. The installation work in the Engine Room is in full progress. Hold...
15 apr 2015
mv Nordana Sea - Building Progress
The sections of the fore-ship are in production on both locations of Ferus Smit, in Westerbroek (NL) and Leer (D). The superstructure and...
15 apr 2015
mv Nordana Star - Building Progress
The fore-ship with superstructure and the hold sections are placed on the slipway. The aft-ship is being built and erected in the...
11 apr 2015
7 apr 2015